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Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit is a way to save money and is the best investment instrument used by many worldwide. It's a convenient and easy way to see your little savings grow. Depositors can deposit their partial savings or income in a Fixed Deposit. Let your investment grow over a period of time, earning an attractive interest rate compared to your savings account. Added convenience - Fixed Deposits can be booked on your phone, and no branch visits are required.

Unique Features:

  • The minimum amount required to be deposited in a Fixed Deposit is Rs.10,000/-
  • Fixed Deposits can be opened by Resident Indians
  • Fixed Deposits can be booked through online internet banking and mobile banking application (SoL India-download on App Store and iOS)
  • Attractive rate of interest for short-term and long-term investments
  • Easy to transfer from existing CASA accounts
  • Knowing the exact maturity amount can help you plan for your future requirements

Terms & Conditions:

  • TDS shall be applicable as per Income Tax Rules
  • Bulk Fixed Deposits of INR 40 Crores and above will be charged a penal interest rate of 1% on Partial / Premature withdrawals and closure before maturity date w.e.f.10th July 2023.

Fixed Deposits & Recurring Deposits Interest Rates

Click here to download forms: Register (DA1) / Cancellation (DA2) / Variation of Nominee (DA3)

A recurring deposit is a unique term of savings in a smaller amount for a lock-in period of 1 year and over decades. Recurring deposits come with guaranteed returns along with the rate of interest yearly. No visits to the branch are required. You can easily book your Recurring Deposit over the phone.

Unique Features:

  • Invest in small amounts and get the maximum rate benefit
  • An investment as small as Rs.500/- and max of Rs. 1,00,000/- per account can be made
  • Minimum term 12 months and maximum term of 5 years can be booked

Terms & Conditions:

TDS shall be applicable as per Income Tax Rules.

Fixed Deposits & Recurring Deposits Interest Rates